Cary-Anne Koenig teaching portfolio offers 4th graders guidance |
Republic and Statehood Lessons Plans 4th grade
Lone Ranger - Graphic Novel
or see more at Comic Book Resources at |
Texas Beyond History Lesson Plans
Texas Beyond History, as well as being an excellent site for general purposes, also has lesson plans, keyed to TEKS from the categories Language Arts | Social Studies | Math/Science | ArtSamples include A Day in the Life Students explore the roles of a variety of people who lived or worked at a nineteenth-century Texas frontier fort or in a nearby frontier town. By writing about a character in his/her own voice, students reach a greater understanding of life on the Texas frontier. Suggested for grade levels 4-7. View TEKS and download page. Archeology 2500: Texano Weapons Students work in small groups to write a creative, descriptive report about a "mystery" artifact. Hypothesis building and creative writing suitable for upper elementary and above. Suggested for grade level 7. View TEKS and download page. Making a Caddo Circle Book Students write, draw, and use mathematics to create a short booklet about the Caddo Indians. This interdisciplinary lesson is suitable for grades 4 and 7. View TEKS and download page. Aldridge Sawmill - The Story in Numbers This lesson plan provides 7th-grade students an opportunity to practice math skills while becoming familiar with Texas' "Boom & Bust" economy and the natural history and geography of the east Texas Piney Woods. The student handout is illustrated with historic photos of logging in East Texas. View TEKS and download page. |
Texas Council for the Social Studies
The Texas Council for the Social Studies has a website of interest to teachers and other folks. It's navigational options include Home | The Social Studies Texan is self-described as"The Texan is the official publication of the Texas Council for the Social Studies, an affiliate of the National Council for the Social Studies. The Social Studies Texan is published three times per year and is available as a benefit to all members of TCSS. The Social Studies Texan publishes articles of interest to social studies educators at all levels. This juried journal includes professional articles relating to social studies education and lesson plans, teaching ideas, or teaching activities that have been used successfully in the classrooms of Texas. It contains information about opportunities for professional growth and the latest resources available for use in the classroom. The journal provides up to date information about the Texas Council for the Social Studies and pertinent social studies information important to social studies teachers."
TCSS encourages the submission of lesson plans as part of their service. |
Women in Texas History Lesson Plans
Self description: "Welcome to the portal for all things historical about women in Texas. Students, teachers, researchers, and Texas history lovers will discover stories about all kinds of women, and find links to many sites for more information related to Texas women's history. Students and teachers will find:
Lesson Plans – Texas Women's History 4th Grade Social Studies7th Grade Texas History8th Grade U.S. HistoryHigh School U.S. HistoryRead more of this excellent website's offerings at |
Battle Report Newsletter & This Week in Texas History
The Battle Report bills itself as: ""The purpose of this newsletter is to communicate the site's day-to-day natural and cultural resource management activities. Our goal is to inform and educate our staff, partners, and friends – and those we have yet to meet – Welcome!" I can't see the Monument from my window so its nice of Russ Kuykendall, Park Complex Superintendent, to have added me to their mailing list. He can add you too! Just ask him. Call 281/479-2431 . One of the regular columns is "This Week in Texas History." The photography is good! Visit their websites at |
Heart of Texas Literature Center - Brownwood
and "The Heart of Texas Literature Center is dedicated to making current children's and teenagers' literature available for public viewing and informing the public of the literature through providing evaluative reviews. The current collection consists of books and book related media that are published and/or made available for sale for the first time in the Professionals read and evaluate books and write reviews. We publish the reviews in our quarterly journal, the Lorgnette."
It's a remarkable endeavor. They collect children and young adult books from across the nation and review dozens in each issue of their online Lorgnette periodical. Their dozens of reviewers from the region are teachers, librarians, university professors, and the sort who've have genuine experience with the kids. Carrie Harding is Director; Blanche Byrd is Assistant Director; Patsy Weeks is Director of Outreach; and Marsha Harper is editor of the Lorgnette. Their interests are very wide, and there is some Texana in each issue. Read more at |
Young Readers at TCU Press
High School students - YA at TCU
The categories are
Trail Riding Kids
The Westerner brings news of children on a special trail ride. The posting begins "Thirty youngsters from three north and west Texas school districts will spend their Spring Break rolling through the rugged expanses of West Texas in covered wagons to get a taste of what their pioneering forebears experienced some 150 years ago. The youth outreach trail ride, sponsored by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and Texas Equestrian Trail Riders Association, will cover roughly 75 miles from Marfa to Big Bend Ranch State Park outside Presidio. " Read more at |
Sam Houston - Wade
Mary Wade, author of many children's books, inaugurates Bright Sky's new series, Texas Heroes for Young Readers. Joy Fisher has also illustrated Miss Ladybird's Wildflowers. Here's the life of The work steadily develops Sam's trait of standing firm, aka aloofness or stubbornness or arrogance or blindness, as may have been alleged over time by Sam's non-supporters. But for the youngest kids Mary gracefully tends toward the positive adjective "firm." |
Last Renegade - Kearby
Mike Kearby brings young readers another well- paced Western novel set in Young-Man-Listens, a nine-year old Comanche, is captured by slavers and sold to a travelling circus where the nefarious Shelly McDuff cages him and bills him to gawkers as "The Last Renegade – Chief Raging Bull" for two years. Then the show rolls into Sheriff Miller's Territory. Miller's eleven-year-old son, Jake, immediately sees through the injustice of the imprisonment and sets the young Comanche free whereupon the two plus Marty scat on a trail of hiding, hunting, capture, a fight (partially aided by Walter the dog), and ultimate salvation by Jake's father. Young-Man-Listens eventually relents on the impulse of worst vengeance and rides off toward home in Mack White's illustrations seem influenced by Nast cartoons and Hank the Cowdog. |
Alamo Lesson Plans
4th and 7th grade lesson plans for the Alamo are available from the Daughters of the Republic of Texas, each about 40 pages long. Other uninspected Alamo lesson plans are has over a hundred connected plans |
El Paso History Day
Dr. Keith A. Erekson, Assistant Professor of History and Director of the Teaching Social Studies in El Paso Initiative , UTEP, directs you to the UTEP History Department hosting of a website on "El Paso History Day." At the moment it includes a wonderful list of its contest winners from the local schools. YTR hopes this list will be archived on the same site next year as the 2010 winners are announced. The many titles of the projects themselves are inspiring. The local sponsor is Dr. Charles H. Martin. El Paso History Day
Self-described as: "El Paso History Day is a yearly event sponsored by the Department of History. It serves as the local (regional) qualifying event for Texas History Day and National History Day. National History Day is an educational program devoted to improving the teaching and learning of history in American schools. It is designed to provide a meaningful way for middle and high school students to study historical issues, ideas, people, and events by engaging in project based learning and research. The theme for this year's contest is "The Individual in History: Actions and Legacies." The twelfth annual El Paso History Day contest will be held on Saturday, February 21, 2009, on the UTEP campus. Last year some 224 middle school and high school students registered for the event. Approximately 260 students from 24 schools are expected to participate in 2009. The categories in which students may enter are: Exhibits—individual and group entries Documentaries—individual and group entries Performances—individual and group entries Interpretive Web Sites—combined entries Papers—individual entries only " See the winning projects at
Teaching of Texas History Award
Humanities Texas offers Teaching awards, one is the Linden Heck Howell Outstanding Teaching of Texas History AwardSelf described as "The Linden Heck Howell Outstanding Teaching of Texas History Award was established in memory of Ms. Howell, former chair of the Humanities Texas Board of Directors, as a lasting tribute to her service to the organization and her commitment to the study of Texas history. The winning teacher receives a $5,000 cash award, with an additional $500 for his or her school for the purchase of instructional materials supporting Texas history." Read more at |
Texas Stories website
Texas Stories has an admirable variety of useful options for teachers of Texas history. Self-description: "TEXAS STORIES is a Texas History Audio Series, Web Site and Weekly e-Newsletter about the Lone Star State. Hosted by Timothy Patrick Miller, TEXAS STORIES will present 30- to 90-second audio programs and interviews about people, places and events in Texas History using music, sound effects, actualities and the art of storytelling. OUR TOWN: Audio Postcards and Audio Snapshots from the Past will feature 30- to 90-second stories about local and regional history for web site and e-Newsletter presentation. TEXAS STORIES Weekly Audio Series will be podcast, available online and distributed via the Weekly e-Newsletter. The Web Site will feature story and interview audio clips, transcripts, historical images and links to online Texas History resources. Expanded City and County web pages are in development and will showcase the OUR TOWN programming. A free, subscriber-based, email Newsletter -- TEXAS STORIES WEEKLY -- will present the Project's weekly audio feature, a weekly audio contest called What's My Story?, audio interviews and fascinating facts about Texas History. A Story Forum and Classroom Activities for Grades 4 and 7 are also in development." Audio Shows Podcasts Audio Postcards Audio Snapshots Weekly e-Newsletter Classroom Activities Texas History Resources Stories Music Adventure |
Texas History Teachers Bulletin 1912
DRT Elaine Davis Award
The Daughters of the Republic of Texas begin a new award honoring Elaine B. Davis. The first award goes to Debra Winegarten who plans a juvenile book on Clara Driscoll. This inaugural award is self-described as "The Elaine B. Davis Research Award, endowed by the 2007-2009 Daughters of the Republic of Texas Library Committee chaired by Connie Impelman and sponsored by the Daughters of the Republic of Texas Library, is awarded to bring scholars to San Antonio, Texas, to work with the unique materials housed at the DRT Library. Mrs. Davis served as Director of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas Library from 1998-2008." |
Declaration of Independence
Texas State Library Handbook of Texas Online Texas Almanac UT Tarleton Law Library Yale University's Avalon Project Humanities Texas traveling and online exhibit Portal to Texas History lesson plan Dawn Bishop's lesson plan Texas Tides lesson plan Texas State Cemetery Daughters of the Republic of Texas Library Weblog Lone Star Junction commentary Wkipedia, of all places Books Greatness to Spare: The Heroic Sacrifices of the Men Who Signed the Declaration of Independence by T.R. Fehrenbach Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence by Benson J. Lossing The Signers of the Texas Declaration of Independence by Louis Kemp The Texas Declaration of Indepedence in Exact Facsimile by Anson Jones Press Articles Greer, James K. "The Committee on the Texas Declaration of Independence," Southwestern Historical Quarterly 30 and 31 (April and July 1927), 239-251, 33-49. Shuffler, R. Henderson. "The Ark of the Covenant of the Texas Declaration of Independence." Southwestern Historical Quarterly 65 (July 1961), 87-100. Shuffler, R. Henderson. "The Signing of Texas' Declaration of Independence: Myth and Record." Southwestern Historical Quarterly 65 (Jan. 1962), 310-332. |
Heritage Society Trunk Shows