
Derby Girl - Shauna Cross

Ambrosia Salad reviews Derby Girl (the movie's Juno) by Shauna Cross.  For YA and adult.  An extract from the review reads:
Bliss' "only friend is the beautiful Pash Amini who moved into town and shares the same indie rock spirit as Bliss. They spend most of their free time slaving away at the "Oink Joint," a gross barbecue restaurant that all the local hicks frequent. The only thing that gets them through the hell of small town Texas life is each other. That, and imagining finding the perfect rocker boyfriends whilest getting the hell out of Bodeen.// But everything seems to change when Bliss picks up a flier for Roller Derby while shopping in downtown Austin with her mother and sister one day."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Juno" the movie was splendid!!!!